Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I hear it every day: "what's going on? Where are you at with the adoption? What do you know...?" Sometimes the interest is overwhelming, but in a good way. The support of our friends has been tremendous and we appreciate it! We wish had better answers most of the time, or at least more satisfying than "still waiting"! The time is coming, friends! We are cautiously optimistic that the end is in sight!

We returned home from our court trip on March 29th, with the arms of our new children around our hearts. We waited a week to hear the judge's ruling: legal guardianship (exactly what we were hoping for, actually)! We are now waiting for the judge to sign papers and for the passport work to begin. We soon will have a timeframe for the completion of all the paperwork, then we'll head over to finish up the last important step, visas! Again, we're waiting without real answers on that. Could be a few weeks, could be much more. The answers lie elsewhere and we are content, for now, knowing that we'll be ready when the call comes.

Believe me when I say that we don't sit idly by while we wait! A final bed is being constructed, we are shopping for necessities, packing for a 1-3 week stay on our return and the things needed to occupy two kids on 24 hours worth of plane rides! We are raising funds for our plane tickets, planning time off, printing and notarizing legal documents... and that's just the stuff related to adoption! Two teenagers, work and life take up the rest of our normal lives - ha! Why am I writing and not napping while I have a moment to sit?!

And because so many have asked with sincere hearts how they best can help right now, or what we still need... a list for you:

Needed "stuff" - lunch boxes/backpacks, pjs, shoes & socks, books, toothbrushes, bathroom step-stool, underwear, summer clothes, coats

Finances - we have about $5000 more to raise for plane tickets. Tax deductible donations can be made using the link on this page to the right, or directly to us.

For the prayers - we are hoping the embassy will NOT need to do further investigation, which would shorten our next trip significantly. We can pray for fast visas and a smooth transition out of the country!

We feel like we are so close to the end of the legal process! We look forward to starting the next phase of this life together, knowing that the real work is coming!

A World Apart

These are the faces we love.
These are the faces we call our own.
These are the faces that call us mommy & daddy.
These are the faces that look at us with trust,
and look to us for answers.
These are the faces that are, for now, a world apart.
A whole world apart.

Wednesday, March 7, 2012

A Beginning? An ending?

International adoption is a process, a long one. From the time you submit your first application until the time your child steps onto American soil, years may pass! Every step becomes a milestone and, most of the time, you feel like you're moving forward. You expect and overcome the setbacks and look to the horizon ahead for your path. You celebrate the passing of each obstacle thrown before you, things like "dossier" and "PO report", and other words once foreign to you that you've had to learn the hard way... experience.

By far the biggest obstacle to surpass is "yourself" and "waiting". In truth, there is so much waiting that "yourself" wonders if this is the beginning or the end. All along the path you are hopeful that it's the beginning of the end, only to find that you were confused about the direction of the path. The alien-ness of the adventure you're on causes confusion in yourself and others and you are helpless to explain. You wait. And you ask others to wait. Your lack of power makes you feel alone in your waiting. The huge obstacle called "yourself" settles in front of you, standing on your foot and pulling your sleeve at the same time to egg you on. You smile on the outside and scream on the inside. But you wait.

Then the phone call that changes your life comes, again! Another court date: March 23rd, just three weeks to wait! You silently wonder if this is another beginning... or an ending?

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Process in Process

Ever felt like you're on a yoyo? Or been on one of those carnival rides that spins you around and jerks you back to the beginning? That's the feeling of international adoption: one step forward, two steps back. Interspersed with long amounts of waiting for the unknown. Most of the time, it's not as melodramatic as it sounds. We're pretty flexible, as a couple, and typically "it is what it is". But when you're packing for a plane ride to meet kids that have only lived in your heart, and you're asked to cancel that trip the day before you leave, the carnival ride of adoption makes you sick.

I can't go into the history and the story of what's going on in the Ugandan courts, it's too complicated for a blog post and not really necessary. Suffice it to say that the flight out of LA yesterday that was to take us to Uganda didn't happen this time. We are optimistic that issues will be resolved and we'll be catching another flight soon, but the yoyo was set in motion and takes time to slow down. Our emotions run the gamut, but our faith and knowledge that God is in control is steadfast. The Solid Ground beneath our carnival ride is unchanging.

Funny thing about those carnival rides, when the ride stops and the spinning in your head slows, you're ready to jump in line and do it all over again! The fear of the unknown has been breached and anticipation to move forward takes its place. After a few days away as a family, we're ready to ride again!

Saturday, February 11, 2012

When the Call Comes...

I was the first to admit that I pretty much suck at this blog posting stuff. Compound my lack of time, witty enticements and nothing to report, and you pretty much get the drift of my problem. For the last four months there has been silence in our adoption world. I mean silence like the kind that screams at you. Everything we could do had been done and we were back to waiting. Waiting sucks almost as much as my blogging skills. Ok, more. Lots more! And knowing we weren't the only ones waiting for news made it that much harder to face the blank screen.

But now there is news... REAL news! Big news! We're headed! Last week the call finally came. I knew as soon as I saw the number on the readout that our lives were about to change, for the 3rd and 4th time! In the middle of a conversation I stopped and answered the call, ALL of them, not just the phone call. I answered the call to be a parent again (and again!), I answered the call to adopt, and I answered the call to let go and start new. In a few heartbeats, I experienced so much more than I can communicate, and I savor it. I believe I will treasure it in my heart always.

By now some are impatient, though this is old news... our court date is Feb. 28th! We leave this weekend for our first journey to a different way of life. And, amidst all the chaos of short-term trip planning, we savor the anticipation, and we savor our lives as a 4-person family, not in sadness but in eagerness to share who we are with two more.

We're coming, kids! We're coming for you!

Sunday, September 4, 2011

Sweet Summer Saturdays

As is typical, the summer flew by. The addition of planning for and implementing three major fundraisers for our adoption compounded the speed, it seems, and we are just days away from the new school year.
On three separate Saturdays this summer, we took on projects of unusual size! The first event was in June, a giant $1 sale that filled the gymnasium where we attend church. The only way to describe the magnitude of the event is to show you a "before" picture of the pile we acquired to sell!
Friends, family and strangers donated and purchased over 1600 items and donated food/beverages! It was a full day and we were pleased to raise enough for a RT plane ticket to Uganda!

Early August I joined with 3 other local photographers to offer portrait sessions for a donation to our adoption expenses. I'll post the video from that event as soon as its ready, but it was a great day of amazing food, fun clients and lots of great photography! Here is "the team" after a long day of shooting!

Most recently (last Saturday) we were blessed to round out the summer with our biggest fundraising project to date: our Both Hands project (pictures here: ). We got together a team of friends and family to work on the home of a local widow. That team raised funds for our adoption (and their work on the house) as well as getting down and dirty at the work project! We had a great time, accomplished a lot of work and will watch as God helps with our finances! We are over halfway to our goal of $15k to bring Kevin & Sheba home and getting excited as the reality of meeting them gets closer!
Two videos showcase the work we did can be found by clicking through to the same link as the photos (above).
Tax deductible donations are still being accepted via Lifesong for Orphans. Simply click on the link to the right of this post and you can donate online or get the address to mail a check. If you mail a check, please put VandenHoek #2038 in the memo line. Thank you, all, for your support!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Both Hands Come Together

My favorite photo from our work project-fundraiser today... more info coming after I get some sleep.