Wednesday, February 22, 2012

The Process in Process

Ever felt like you're on a yoyo? Or been on one of those carnival rides that spins you around and jerks you back to the beginning? That's the feeling of international adoption: one step forward, two steps back. Interspersed with long amounts of waiting for the unknown. Most of the time, it's not as melodramatic as it sounds. We're pretty flexible, as a couple, and typically "it is what it is". But when you're packing for a plane ride to meet kids that have only lived in your heart, and you're asked to cancel that trip the day before you leave, the carnival ride of adoption makes you sick.

I can't go into the history and the story of what's going on in the Ugandan courts, it's too complicated for a blog post and not really necessary. Suffice it to say that the flight out of LA yesterday that was to take us to Uganda didn't happen this time. We are optimistic that issues will be resolved and we'll be catching another flight soon, but the yoyo was set in motion and takes time to slow down. Our emotions run the gamut, but our faith and knowledge that God is in control is steadfast. The Solid Ground beneath our carnival ride is unchanging.

Funny thing about those carnival rides, when the ride stops and the spinning in your head slows, you're ready to jump in line and do it all over again! The fear of the unknown has been breached and anticipation to move forward takes its place. After a few days away as a family, we're ready to ride again!

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