Wednesday, April 11, 2012


I hear it every day: "what's going on? Where are you at with the adoption? What do you know...?" Sometimes the interest is overwhelming, but in a good way. The support of our friends has been tremendous and we appreciate it! We wish had better answers most of the time, or at least more satisfying than "still waiting"! The time is coming, friends! We are cautiously optimistic that the end is in sight!

We returned home from our court trip on March 29th, with the arms of our new children around our hearts. We waited a week to hear the judge's ruling: legal guardianship (exactly what we were hoping for, actually)! We are now waiting for the judge to sign papers and for the passport work to begin. We soon will have a timeframe for the completion of all the paperwork, then we'll head over to finish up the last important step, visas! Again, we're waiting without real answers on that. Could be a few weeks, could be much more. The answers lie elsewhere and we are content, for now, knowing that we'll be ready when the call comes.

Believe me when I say that we don't sit idly by while we wait! A final bed is being constructed, we are shopping for necessities, packing for a 1-3 week stay on our return and the things needed to occupy two kids on 24 hours worth of plane rides! We are raising funds for our plane tickets, planning time off, printing and notarizing legal documents... and that's just the stuff related to adoption! Two teenagers, work and life take up the rest of our normal lives - ha! Why am I writing and not napping while I have a moment to sit?!

And because so many have asked with sincere hearts how they best can help right now, or what we still need... a list for you:

Needed "stuff" - lunch boxes/backpacks, pjs, shoes & socks, books, toothbrushes, bathroom step-stool, underwear, summer clothes, coats

Finances - we have about $5000 more to raise for plane tickets. Tax deductible donations can be made using the link on this page to the right, or directly to us.

For the prayers - we are hoping the embassy will NOT need to do further investigation, which would shorten our next trip significantly. We can pray for fast visas and a smooth transition out of the country!

We feel like we are so close to the end of the legal process! We look forward to starting the next phase of this life together, knowing that the real work is coming!

1 comment:

  1. Praying for every detail!! So happy that you are almost finished! Sending you love!
